”We are delighted to partner with SciLifeLab and the Affinity Proteomics unit in Uppsala, as this allows the NaveniTM in situ proximity ligation assay technology to support the mission of SciLifeLab to enable life science research in Sweden to provide access to the latest key technologies. This collaboration will significantly benefit our academic customers that need help with assay development or sample analysis to support their research on protein interactions or signaling pathways. This is a natural continuation of the long-lasting close collaboration between Uppsala University, SciLifeLab, and Navinci.”
Robert Gunnarsson, CEO Navinci Diagnostics AB
”By implementing Navinci’s innovative products, we will be able to further strengthen our offering of in situ proximity ligation assay services by highly sensitive and reproducible assays. We are happy to continue a local and close relationship with companies with a legacy from Uppsala University.”
Mikael Åberg, Head of Affinity Proteomics Uppsala, SciLifeLab.
Founded upon the research by Ulf Landegren and colleagues at Uppsala University, Navinci (formerly known as Olink Bioscience) is a Swedish life science company that develops and markets in situ proximity ligation assays to monitor proteins, their interactions, and modifications. The technology provides an essential tool for spatial biology and reveals the responses to disease and drug treatment directly in the tissue microenvironment.
SciLifeLab leverages the unique strengths of individual researchers across Sweden into a focused resource for the life science community. SciLifeLab provides access for thousands of researchers to the cutting-edge instrumentation and deep scientific expertise necessary to be internationally competitive in bioscience research. This infrastructure is supported and developed by our research community, including internationally recognized experts in life science and technology. The units and expertise create a unique environment for health and environmental research at the highest level. SciLifeLab started in 2010 as a joint effort between four universities: Karolinska Institutet, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm University, and Uppsala University. Today, they support research activities at all major Swedish universities.
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